Mathematical analysis of the dynamics of a fractional economic cycle model and the existence of solutions by means of fixed point theory

Sara Lasfar, Maha Elkarmouchi, Khalid Hattaf, Noura Yousfi


This paper proposes a new fractional business cycle model with general investment and variable depreciation rate involving the generalized Hattaf fractional (GHF) derivative. The existence of the model solutions is rigorously established using fixed point theory. Additionally, the mathematical analysis of the dynamics of the proposed fractional model including the stability of economic equilibrium is fully investigated. Furthermore, numerical simulations are presented to illustrate our theoretical results.

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Published: 2024-01-25

How to Cite this Article:

Sara Lasfar, Maha Elkarmouchi, Khalid Hattaf, Noura Yousfi, Mathematical analysis of the dynamics of a fractional economic cycle model and the existence of solutions by means of fixed point theory, Adv. Fixed Point Theory, 14 (2024), Article ID 5

Copyright © 2024 Sara Lasfar, Maha Elkarmouchi, Khalid Hattaf, Noura Yousfi. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Advances in Fixed Point Theory

ISSN: 1927-6303

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