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Calderón, Ignacio, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Capodanno, P.
Chakkour, Tarik, Laboratory of Mathematics of Atlantic Brittany
LMBA, University of Bretagne-Sud, UMR 6205
Fr-56000 Vannes, FRANCE
Chandraker, Priya
Changqun Wu, Songtao Lv and
Chatterjee, Amar Nath
Chaudhari, S. R.
Chauhan (Gonder), Surjeet Singh, Chandigarh University, Punjab,India
Codaro, Eduardo Norberto, UNESP - São Paulo State University
Collins, Warren E., Fisk University
Cui, Ning
Engineering Mathematics Letters
ISSN 2049-9337
Editorial Office: [email protected]
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