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Yadav, M.R., School of Studies in Mathematics
Pt.Ravishankar Shukla University
Raipur (C.G.) India-492010
Yadav, Neeru
Yadav, Sheetal, Department of Mathematics
Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya (Auto) Jabalpur MP, India -482001
Affiliated to
Rani Durgawati Vishwavidyalaya Jabalpur MP India- 482001
Yang, Jianan, Tianjin University of Technology, 300384 Tianjin, China
Yang, Liping
Yang, S.
Yang, X.
Yin, Yun
Yolacan, Esra, Atatürk University
Youness, El Kouch, Laboratory of Analysis, Algebra and Applications
Faculty of science of Ben m’sik
Hassan 2 University
Yousfi, Noura
Yousfi, Noura, Hassan II University of Casablanca
Youssef, El Bekri, Laboratory of Analysis, Modeling and Simulation Faculty of Sciences Ben M'Sik, Hassan II University, B.P. 7955 Casablanca, Morocco
Yuan, Lu
Yuan, Q.
1 - 15 of 15 Items
Advances in Fixed Point Theory
ISSN: 1927-6303
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