Issue Title
Vol 2021 (2021) Comparison of phenomenological growth models in predicting cumulative number of COVID-19 cases in East Java Province, Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Isnani Darti, Ummu Habibah, Suci Astutik, Wuryansari Muharini Kusumawinahyu, Marsudi -, Agus Suryanto
Vol 2021 (2021) Comparison of SAW and WP methods to determine the best agricultural land Abstract   PDF
Sigit Susanto Putro, Firmansyah Adiputra, Eka Mala Sari Rochman, Aeri Rachmad, Muhammad Ali Syakur, Satria Bayu Seta
Vol 2022 (2022) Comparison of simultaneously nonparametric regression based on spline and Fourier series estimator related social aid distribution in Indonesia Abstract   PDF
M. Fariz Fadillah Mardianto, Suliyanto -, Elly Pusporani, Antonio Nikolas Manuel Bonar Simamora, Netha Aliffia, Ayuning Dwis Cahyasari, Chaerobby Fakhri Fauzaan Purwoko
Vol 2020 (2020) Compartmental SEIRW COVID-19 optimal control model Abstract   PDF
Sacrifice Nana-Kyere, Eric Okyere, Johnson De-Graft Ankamah
Vol 2022 (2022) Confidence interval of parameters in multiresponse multipredictor semiparametric regression model for longitudinal data based on truncated spline estimator Abstract   PDF
Maunah Setyawati, Nur Chamidah, Ardi Kurniawan
Vol 2022 (2022) Confidence interval of the parameter on multipredictor biresponse longitudinal data analysis using local linear estimator for modeling of case increase and case fatality rates COVID-19 in Indonesia: A theoretical discussion Abstract   PDF
Nidhomuddin -, Nur Chamidah, Ardi Kurniawan
Vol 2023 (2023) Contribution of hunting cooperation and antipredator behavior to the dynamics of the harvested prey-predator system Abstract   PDF
Raid Kamel Naji
Vol 2020 (2020) Control of information dissemination in online environments: optimal feedback control Abstract   PDF
Zineb Rachik, Hamza Boutayeb, Sara Bidah, Omar Zakary, Mostafa Rachik
Vol 2022 (2022) Controlling the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 Abstract   PDF
Stephen Edward Moore, Eric Okyere
Vol 2024 (2024) Corn stalk disease classification using random forest combination of extraction features Abstract   PDF
Nachnul Ansori, Aeri Rachmad, Eka Mala Sari Rochman, Hermawan Bin Fauzan, Yuli Panca Asmara
Vol 2020 (2020) Correspondence between bats population and terrestrial cave-dwelling arthropods community in Tasikmalaya karst area Abstract   PDF
Isma Dwi Kurniawan, Cahyo Rahmadi, Rezzy Eko Caraka, Iman Aulia Rahman, Ida Kinasih, Toni Toharudin, Rung Ching Chen, Youngjo Lee
Vol 2020 (2020) Cost-effectiveness and backward bifurcation analysis on COVID-19 transmission model considering direct and indirect transmission Abstract   PDF
Dipo Aldila
Vol 2022 (2022) COVID-19 epidemic model: study of numerical methods and solving optimal control problem through forward-backward sweep method Abstract   PDF
Sri Purwani, Fatuh Inayaturohmat, Sanubari Tansah Tresna
Vol 2022 (2022) COVID-19 spatiotemporal SIR model: Regional optimal control approach Abstract   PDF
Marouane Karim, Soukaina Ben Rhila, Hamza Boutayeb, Mostafa Rachik
Vol 2022 (2022) COVID-19 transmission model with discrete time approach Abstract   PDF
D.S. Pangestu, S.T. Tresna, F. Inayaturohmat, N. Anggriani
Vol 2024 (2024) Deep ensemble transfer learning for detecting breast cancer in histopathological images Abstract   PDF
Indo Intan, Berti Julian Nelwan, Matthew Martianus Henry, Andrea Stevens Karnyoto, Ririn Endah Puspitasari, Bens Pardamean
Vol 2024 (2024) Deep learning-based sleep apnea detection using single-lead ECG signals from the PhysioNet apnea-ECG database Abstract   PDF
Pandu Wicaksono, Rezki Yunanda
Vol 2022 (2022) Defining and analysis of multimorbidity pattern of diseases using Markov random field approach: a comparative analysis Abstract   PDF
Faouzi Marzouki, Omar Bouattane
Vol 2023 (2023) Delay in eco-epidemiological prey-predator model with predation fear and hunting cooperation Abstract   PDF
Karrar Qahtan Al-Jubouri, Raid Kamel Naji
Vol 2023 (2023) Detecting Ganoderma basal stem rot disease on oil palm using artificial neural network method Abstract   PDF
Hermantoro -, Muhammad A. Kurniawan, Joko P. Trinugroho, Teddy Suparyanto, Mahmud Isnan, Digdo Sudigyo, Bens Pardamean
Vol 2024 (2024) Detecting nutrient deficiency in oil palm seedlings using multispectral UAV images Abstract   PDF
Arief Ika Uktoro, Hermantoro -, Rengga Arnalis Renjani, Sandiaga Kusuma, Dwi Asmono, Ruli Wandri, Samsu Alam, Muchamad Nur Fanani Kramajaya, Angga Cahyo Riyanto, Teddy Suparyanto, Bens Pardamean
Vol 2020 (2020) Detection of COVID-19 chest X-ray using support vector machine and convolutional neural network Abstract   PDF
Dian Candra Rini Novitasari, Rimuljo Hendradi, Rezzy Eko Caraka, Yuanita Rachmawati, Nurul Zainal Fanani, Anang Syarifudin, Toni Toharudin, Rung Ching Chen
Vol 2023 (2023) Detection of endangered species proboscis monkey using computer vision technique on low compute device Abstract   PDF
Juanrico Alvaro, Gede Putra Kusuma
Vol 2022 (2022) Detection of pulmonary tuberculosis from chest X-Ray images using multimodal ensemble method Abstract   PDF
Jimmy -, Tjeng Wawan Cenggoro, Bens Pardamean, Juliana Gozali, Denny Tanumihardja
Vol 2024 (2024) Determining the effect of contaminated environment and direct transmission on the dynamics of monkeypox virus Abstract   PDF
Walter Okongo, Jeconia Okelo Abonyo, Duncan Kioi, Stephen Edward Moore, Nnaemeka Stanley Aguegboh
176 - 200 of 714 Items << < 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 > >> 

Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci.

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